Mangle Coloring - Five Nights At Freddy's Games

Publish date: 2024-07-15

Mangle Coloring is one of the newest coloring games our administrative team has to offer into the Five Nights at Freddy's Games category, which we know is a category you enjoy finding new games a lot, which is why this is the fourth game of the series of the day, but also the last one at the same time, so hopefully you are not going to miss out on the chance of playing it for anything in the world. If you played coloring games such as this one before, you know what to do, but if not, learn by reading the next part of the description carefully! On the bottom of the game screen you will find the colors that are available for use, in the form of pencils. You click on a color that you want to use, and then with the mouse you click and hold on the screen, and move it in any direction you want to use the color. From the bottom as well you can choose the eraser if you need to use it, and from there you also choose how big the dot with which you will color is going to be. Certainly you will do a great job at the game, and have fun with it, so start right now, and see that we are telling the truth about how awesome it is!

How to play?

Use the mouse.
