Monster Hunter: World ReShade Guide

Publish date: 2024-08-01

This is a guide to help make the game look less washed out than it originally is, allowing it to look more akin to its predecessors and less “realistic”.

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Is a program that allows you to put in certain filters and effects that help with testing and improving your experience both offering an accurate fps counter and a numerous amount of starting filters for your enjoyment.

You can access it by literally searching on your browser.

Installing and Activation

Installing is just as easy as navigating to your downloads folder and double clicking on your new exe and following its instructions. After you are done with that first hurdle, select Monster Hunter World through the select game option, and click the middle option for directx. It will give you a list of configurations to use, the one we are looking for is Colorfullness.fx

Once that is implemented, launch up your game as normal; it should prompt for you to turn it on via Shift+F2, giving you a whole menu to work with. Navigate through it and find the Colorfullness.fx configuration, and activate it. There should be new options for it such as how powerful it is (I usually set it up to the maximum option).

And voila! You have now made your game marginally more colorful!

Monster Hunter: World - ReShade Guide
Monster Hunter: World - ReShade Guide

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